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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Vintage photo album wedding gift

Talk about fun to make. I made this for a friend of mine who married the love of his life back in July. I made this, wrapped it, packed it, and flew to Cali for the wedding. The entire process was a blast.

I really enjoy using random inserts found here & there in my albums. In this one you will find 35MM film strip, business card, and old photo inserts. Have some & they won’t fit? Cut them down & use washi to keep it all together.

The whole album took about 7 nights to finish, and with each page I felt a lot of pride. *Pun intended. Wedding gifts don’t have to cost a lot of money to be worth screams & tears when they are opened. And this is by far my favorite to date.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

New in the Tiff Reed: art stuff Etsy shop:

mixed media magnets. 

I've been playing with these for weeks ..a dear friend of mine got a couple as a Christmas present last year and it took me a few months to put supplies on them bc I wanted to love them. After the first one, I was hooked. I really live how how they are coming out & hope you do, too. 

Look for more of these in the next week or so, I have a table full waiting for text. 

Monday, August 19, 2013

31 things at 31>>>>>

1. I am the only dependable line of communication between my mom & dad. I secretly love this MOST of the time bc it has made us closer than I ever imagined.
2.  I didn’t have any major regret until I was 28 years old.
3.  I love shoes & hate my feet.
4. Getting dressed has the ability to change my mood. Good & bad.
5.  I try not to interfere with other people’s fate. However, I don’t want to listen to people complain about things they can change.
6. I hate when you can tell a person is just waiting for the next thing they can say when you are talking to them. It makes me crazy.
7.  I do not hold grudges. I do however, intend on trying my hardest to never ever get hurt in those same ways again. So I never forget.
8. I consider myself very lucky in many ways.
9. I hardly ever cry. I wish I did more bc I think people might be able to relate to my emotions when shit gets real, but usually the tears don’t come, and this can be frustrating.
10.  I really really wish I had gotten a chance to at least meet my dad’s mom. She committed suicide before I existed, and this makes me have no tolerance for others who want to end their life. It’s incredibly selfish, and I lose total respect for anyone who wastes life.
11.  Every day, I am scared that Ezra will have a stroke and be like my brother. It plays a huge role in not wanting any more kids, and also makes me feel guilty and selfish. Truth: I couldn’t love Marcus any more than I do, we are very close.
12.  I am ALL about rainy days.
13.  I don’t believe in ghosts.
14.  I really wish my sister & I were closer in age. I’d like to think this would make us closer in life, but who knows.
15.  I have more DIY projects to do than I have time to do them.
16. I am my happiest when my hands are covered in ink, paint, & glitter. I wish that talent made me more $$$$$.
17.  I want to open a business that is a coffee shop that has TONS of tables & art supplies so that artists can come & play somewhere that isn’t home. Sort of like Corks & Canvas, but with all art mediums.
18. I live my life & talk to people as if everyone knows whether or not I am lying.
19.  I never thought the day would come when I said I needed a camper instead of a tent, but it has.
20.  I’d like to see more sunrises. Oddly enough, most of the ones I have seen were while I was on vacation.
21.  Working at a newspaper is pretty boring. I miss being a full time florist all the time, even though the pay is awful.
22.  I collect vintage maps.
23.  Sometimes I have to remind myself that people have a hard time caring past anything but themselves, and that they do care, even if they are selfish. Sometimes it works.
24.  I have come to appreciate Facebook. I am very lucky to have so many impact my day to day life even though we don’t see each other very much, and hope all of you know how dear you are to me….then & now.
25.  I am a hypocrite, and it’s something I work hard to change all the time.
26. I don’t take advice, but love hearing it.
27. I love encouraging others, and compliment complete strangers almost every day.
28. I do not have a favorite color, but I HATE purple.
29.  I make my “New Year’s resolutions” on my birthday, which I consider to be the first of  “my year”.
30. I love stand up comedy, and listen/watch it so much that I wish more funny people would give me something to laugh at.
31.  Some things never change. I guess I have to be okay with that, but it doesn’t mean I have to agree.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

a few layouts from the Cali trip:

recognize the hold cut out from this one? seriously old school basic grey paper doily from way back before my Cameo. That thing has been painted literally about 1000 times and I decided to finally let it rest in an album. All stamps are from Cocoa Daisy, awesome cork washi from July's Studio Calico PL kit, and tidbits from the art supply warehouse that is my craft space.

Lots of goodies on this one. The circle paper is a leftover from a Cameo cut, "vintage" Hambly pink grid, $1 flower & bird from JoAnne's, and paper tags from Studio Calico & Pink Paislee. Random note: I love how vellum looks against dark paper.

This started as a way to not lose all the strips of beautiful paper I was using for a mini album, and then over time pieced itself together when i got back from the trip. Love when that happens.

Look for the mini album I'm making from the Cali trip soon, since nothing creative happened while on vacation, just good times.

stay #inspired, loveTIFF