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Thursday, January 31, 2013

This week:

scrappy love:
This one is using almost all really OLD stuff...

and this one from bits & pieces left over from other stuff:

Mixed media peice:

I love tiny photos:

And a really really really bad hair cut that actually made me cry & now I just have to wait for it to grow out or chop all of my hair off:

stay #inspired, loveTIFF

Friday, January 18, 2013


playing with January's stamps from Cocoa Daisy

stay #inspired, loveTIFF

Saturday, January 12, 2013

transforming weird Christmas presents

we all get weird stuff from people during the holidays. some things we are left to wonder what we would even do with them or put them, and as artistic people we end up with a lot of supplies that we would never buy ourselves and don't have a receipt for.

This year I got a three-ring 12x12 album
but it's black. Nothing in my house is black. Give me grey or gold or orange, but..even on sale those things aren't cheap, so I figure let's paint this.

Once I started with gesso, I knew I had to commit. I didn't get too crazy with adding layers of paper or tissue or anything, bc I'm using this for Project Life and I need to be able to take a beating. :)))
I'm very satisfied with the result:

stay #inspired, loveTIFF

Sunday, January 6, 2013

I love a sketch

I like January. It's slow and quiet. And it makes way for a lot of time to scrap that I didn't find in December...

Here's the sketch:

And These are my takes on January's sketch over at Cocoa Daisy

stay #inspired, loveTIFF

Friday, January 4, 2013


so far this month, going along with the theme organize bc my life is in disarray. almost everything I own is in its home/where it belongs. this feels like a total victory bc now i can move on to the nitty gritty. sorting through all the things I have saved over the years from magazines and the crazy attic and so on and so forth. also getting a home for all these pages:

stay creative, TIFF

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

still waiting on my word

new year.
i don't believe in resolutions. but i do believe in working towards positive change that you already want/need. i also believe i am a hypocrite who contradicts herself all the time, so take what i say with a grain of sand.
here are my favorite messy/creative/personal/non having to do with other people images from 2012^^^^^^^^

here's to peace in 2013, in every way i can find it.