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Monday, January 18, 2010

a lot waits to be painted.

so far this year's got me feeling like this:

not too bad. I LOVE what I do and I still hate my job every now and then. but I get to express other people's sympathies and happiness and regret. it's a very cool thing. a lot of emotion goes into the whole florist thing over time. people are asking me to send a thought with something I make out of flowers, and I take the whole thing very seriously. Wink.

I haven't done any actual pages in a while. by a "while" I'm guessing about 3 weeks or so. I think there won't be that many made this year. I have so many other projects

whirrling around in my head. it's' time to shine light on that area of my brain. i have been saving stuff to glue onto other stuff for years. 12x12 stuff: